Emergency Showers - Made in Sweden                         Represented in Switzerland by LaboSafe SA

Welcome on the website of GIA-Premix emergency showers in Switzerland

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LaboSafe SA, representing GIA-Premix in Switzerland,  presents on this web site the GIA-Premix emergency showers.

You will find here all the technical description sheets and catalogues of the complete range of  emergency showers, designed and produced by GIA-Premix , in Grängesberg, Sweden. GIA-Premix is the leader in Scandinavia in this field and has been represented in Switzerland, as well as in the neighbouring countries, by LaboSafe SA for almost 20years. This website has been updated with  all new technical sheets in  French and German.  We expects to have them also on line in English on this website by the end of the year. Thank you for your patience and your understanding.

In the meantime, the website of GIA-Premix in Sweden will already allow you to find in english what you are looking for.

Our new catalogs  are however already available in English on our website.

And so is our brand-new dedicated website eyespray.ch, where you will find information on our very popular first aid eyewashes.

A brand new program has been developed in 2019 . This range of showers is fully in stainless steel 1.4404, with a new compact shower head in Acetal hard plastic. Most of previous showers are no more available, however all have been replaced  by showers from our new range.

Don’t hesitate to call or to send us an e-mail to find out about availability, price and delivery, or any other information you might need. We will be happy to share our know-how and our experience to help you make the very best choice in terms of security. 

The most common showers are available from our stock in Switzerland. If not, as we receive shipments from Sweden every week, the expected time of delivery is usually between 5 and, at the most, 10 days. 

Our  LaboSafe SA company website labosafe.ch has also recently been updated. 


LaboSafe SA, Switzerland © 2022 - tous droits réservés | Mentions légales